Marketing Researchers Pre-Segmentation
In partnership with Quirk’s, Quester® conducted a fun pre-segmentation study with marketing researchers on the subject of “Are you a ‘normal’ marketing researcher? Find out where you fit”. Over 250 marketing researchers took an interview with our software-based interviewer. In this webinar, we learn if there is a “normal” marketing researcher, the qualities that set marketing researchers apart from each other, and the qualitative technology and analytics Quester utilized for the study.
Using Consumer Intuition to Power Your Innovation Process
This webinar focused on the importance of innovation research and going beyond consumer profiling, through a mixed methodology case study. The objectives of the research were centered on health and wellness from the point-of-view of the following age groups: 16-18, 19-24 and 25-30, with the total qualitative interviews at 610.
Bottled Water
Online qualitative allows for consumers across the world to communicate unique benefits regarding their reasons for bottled water consumption. This information can be consolidated to not only identify global insights, but unique localized insights that speak more directly to the target consumer, which will in turn help focus and target brand communications.